Monday, 25 March 2019

1st Finnish EISCAT_3D User Meeting 26th March

Artist Impression of an EISCAT_3D site. Courtesy National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan.
The 1st Finnish EISCAT_3D User Meeting is organised in Oulu at Tellus stage on 26th March 2019. The purpose of the meeting is to inform researchers from the space physics, atmospheric and radio science community of the current status and future plans concerning the international EISCAT_3D incoherent scatter radar facility. Invited speakers from Finland and abroad, including the director of EISCAT, Dr. Craig Heinselman, will present their ideas and future plans. Plenty of time is reserved for discussion and questions. Anyone interested is welcomed to join the meeting.

The detailed programme can be found on

Text: Anita Aikio; Image: NIPR, Japan.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Auroras of 28 Feb 2019 from Sodankylä iCCD

Last night we had one of the best aurora events of the season 2018-2019. Here is the movie from SGO iCCD camera with 1 minute resolution. Each minute image is composition of the three adjacent images with different filters for green (557.7nm), blue (428.8nm) and red (630.0nm) emissions.

1min resolution movie of 28Feb-1Mar 2019 from SOD iCCD camera.

Sodankylä magnetogram 26.2.-4.3.2019. The enhanced geomagnetic activity caused by high speed stream from coronal hole continued until 2 Mar.