Monday 7 May 2018

PhD Opportunity: Ionospheric Physics

Applications are invited for a four-year, full-time doctoral student position. The successful candidate will develop data analysis tools for the EISCAT and EISCAT_3D ionospheric radars and will use them for studies of space weather effects on the high-latitude ionosphere. The project will utilise Bayesian techniques in radar data analysis.

The position will be placed in the Ionospheric Physics research unit at the Faculty of Science, University of Oulu, where the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system is studied by utilising data from different satellite missions (e.g. Swarm and Cluster) and from versatile ground-based instruments. The EISCAT incoherent scatter radars have a central role in the unit’s research.  Capabilities of the present EISCAT radars will be surpassed by the high-resolution, volumetric observations of the EISCAT_3D radar system by 2022. 

We are looking for candidates with MSc degree in Physics, Space Physics, Computational Physics or a closely related field. Experience in programming and earlier studies in Space Physics are an advantage.

To apply, please see the full job description and use the electronic application

Further information can be obtained from: Dr Ilkka Virtanen (ilkka.i.virtanen at or Prof. Anita Aikio (anita.aikio at

Application deadline is 30 May 2018 (24:00 Finnish local time).

Photo: Aerial view of Linnanmaa Campus; copyright University of Oulu, all rights reserved.